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First of all, let's take a look at Jordan's basketball shoes. Although the spy photos of the AJ37 generation have leaked, their main model is still the AJ36. These shoes have a good appearance and super performance. Several new color schemes have been exposed. The first is a joint model, which is a collaboration between Bal and AJ36 Low. The upper is made of black with some dark patterns on it. The lines on the neckline are more obvious. The outer edge of the shoelace hole is added with yellow lines. The tongue is made of suede material, and the inner lining is made of white outsole and black pattern combination. The midsole is also made of black, and the same is true for the outsole. The lines that were originally used as embellishments have become black and white patterns. The joint model has a tribal style and a high appearance. The second AJ36 LOW is more conventional, with a low-top shape, the upper is filled with light yellow, and black details are added to the tongue position. The Jumpman logo is expressed in lotus color, and there are raised dot patterns on the tongue. , is also filled with light yellow, with pink lines embellished, and the outsole is marbled. The overall feeling is relatively plain and pretty. The third pair is more powerful. It is a special model created by Jordan for NBA shooting coach Chris Matthews. The name is AJ36 Low "Lethal Shooter". It can get the exclusive PE made by the brand, and the card surface is full. The texture and details of these shoes are perfect. Very in place, the upper is filled with black, and it becomes a suede material with dark patterns on it. There is a golden rose on the tongue, a golden splash of ink is added to the midsole, and a golden translucent crystal sole on the outsole. , the appearance is very high. The following pair of Air Jordan 36s are limited color matching. Can you see the relationship between him and Chinese culture? Brother Gou didn't see it too much, but the shoes are pretty good-looking. The vamp is presented in a tie-dye style. It is composed of orange, blue, pink and other color transitions. The color blocks are more obvious, and the outsole is colorful and translucent crystal bottom, which is really too fancy. In the end, this pair of AJ36 is very strong. He is related to Anthony. Although the signature shoes have been discontinued, the brand is still very interested in him, and various PE styles are super attentive. Recently, a special model of AJ36 has been exposed on the Internet, which is related to a pair of shoes he wore in his early years. There are many details and he is very attentive. This pair of shoes is a special model made by Guage for its AAU League team (Team Melo). The full name is AJ36 Air Bakin PE Nike air bakin. His design inspiration is the sneakers NIKE worn by Guage when he participated in the AAU League in high school. Bakin, black and red, with a special texture on the upper, a very handsome color scheme, very meaningful, I believe the boys who get the shoes will be very happy.

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