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4 No.4 いんふぉめーしょん星奈たん NAME : ら / TIME : 2002/07/28 (Sun) 12:14 / PAINT TIME : 37分18秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

img_000009.png ( 11 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet 宣伝用カットれんしう
4-1 NAME : ら   MSIE 6.0 / Win2000
TIME : 2002/07/28 (Sun) 12:22


3 No.3 NAME : ら / TIME : 2002/07/23 (Tue) 01:42 / PAINT TIME : 18分3秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

img_000008.png ( 6 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet 萌え”ってなんだ

2 No.2 あ〜つ〜い〜 NAME : ら / TIME : 2002/07/21 (Sun) 20:37 / PAINT TIME : 13分55秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

img_000007.jpg ( 23 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet スイカなんてもうずっと食べてないなぁ。

1 No.1 test NAME : ら [HOME] / TIME : 2002/07/20 (Sat) 01:54 / PAINT TIME : 15分29秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

img_000006.png ( 7 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet x 3 test
1-1 NAME : ら [HOME]   MSIE 6.0 / Win2000
TIME : 2002/07/20 (Sat) 02:11


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Client Program (C)しぃちゃん(shi-cyan)
Client Program (C) お〜の(ohno)
Client Program (C) にな(nina)